Últimas noticias

viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Crónica del grupo 8 - Día 5 - Primer Turno

Crónica: Thursday 5th of July

Good morning, we are the 8thgroup, consisted of Álvaro Suárez, Laura Muñiz, Sara Fernández, Paula Osoro, Carmen Crabiffosse, Camino Suárez-Santamaría, María Benavides, Lucía García-Morales, Almudena Bermejo, Martín Friera, Miguel Fueyo, Kike Álvarez-Llaneza and Ignacio de la Vega.

Yesterday, we woke up at 9 o’clock and then we had breakfast, later we had free-time and we were playing ping-pong. At 10:15 we had a great time in the climbing wall although some of us got scared. At the end of this activity we went running to play “scattergories” in English with “Eva”. Because of the bad English level of Ignacio, we were laughing a lot. Free time started, but it was cloudy so we didn’t go to the swimming pool. After an hour we ate potatoes stew and meat.
                In the afternoon we cooked bread with “chorizo” what is called “bollo preñao” and we will eat it today. The sky continued cloudy and we ate a snack of salami. The long-awaited play started. It is called “Cluedo” and it. Our loved monitors played a piece about Harry Potter and we had to solve the murder. We hope to be the winners (once more).


Patricia de Lafuente

- Have you got any brother or sister? Was she/he monitor in this summer camp?
Yes, I’ve got a sister of 21 years old called María, and she went to Santibañez when she was a little girl and like monitor.
- Do you have boyfriend? Are you in love with any person? 
No, I haven’t. 
- What do you prefer, the day of the night?
I obviously prefer the night, not only for parties but for the environment and overall comfort.
- Which is your favourite movie?
I haven’t specially one but I like love and belic movies like Pearl Harbor.
- Which is your favourite song?
Blue Jeans, Lana del Rey.
- What are you going to study?
I hope to go to Barcelona to study advertisement and public relations


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